Support / FAQ / Help

Frequently Asked Questions

How does Come Back Reminder work?
When you install Come Back Reminder, we inject a minimal JavaScript code to your store-front. This script simply watches user's focus behavior on your page and updates the browser page title when user switch tab to another page on their browsers. That's it. We don't request/access/store any other information.
Does Come Back Reminder track my store's users/visitors?
We only track one behavior about your user, whether they are currently on your page or not. This information is not stored in anywhere, only tracked real-time on their browser and helps us to determine when to activate/deactivate Come Back Reminder message. No other information is tracked about your users.
Does Come Back Reminder access/store my order details?
No, we don't access nor store your orders data.
Does Come Back Reminder access/store my customer data?
No, we don't access nor store your customer data.

Contact Us

For any support or inquiry, please send an email to or create a support ticket at or send message to us below: